Japanese Sex Essentials
This is an English translation of an educational Japanese blog about sex in Japan and sex with Japanese people. All images and words are copyright the original author, poza.
The right penis size for good sex.
Original Post
Penis size. If you're a man, you've thought about the size of your penis at least once. If you haven't, well...good for you.
When I have sex with my partner, she often tells me "Your penis is big, so it feels really good." When I hear that, however, I'm filled with doubt. "Am I REALLY that big?" "Do all women prefer a big penis?" "Who's penis is she comparing mine with?" I try not to think too much about the third question, though.

You can tell a man's penis size from his shoe size.
According to sex research, the male penis size is equivalent to his foot size, and is calculated by the following formula: H=(L+5)/2. L stands for shoe size in centimeters, and H stands for penis size in centimeters. Of course, I imagine there is a handful of men who this formula doesn't apply to. But I'd say it's 90% accurate. I once overheard two Russian women talking: "Be sure you look at men's shoes. The bigger the shoes are, the bigger a penis they have."
Does a big penis make sex better?
Vaginas stretch and shrink depending on the size of penis that's inserted into them. If a large penis enters, the vagina will widen, and if a small penis enters, it will shrink to the proper size. It seems like there isn't much reason to really worry about penis size...but who wouldn't want a bigger penis? At least compared to a small one.
Penis size. If you're a man, you've thought about the size of your penis at least once. If you haven't, well...good for you.
When I have sex with my partner, she often tells me "Your penis is big, so it feels really good." When I hear that, however, I'm filled with doubt. "Am I REALLY that big?" "Do all women prefer a big penis?" "Who's penis is she comparing mine with?" I try not to think too much about the third question, though.

You can tell a man's penis size from his shoe size.
According to sex research, the male penis size is equivalent to his foot size, and is calculated by the following formula: H=(L+5)/2. L stands for shoe size in centimeters, and H stands for penis size in centimeters. Of course, I imagine there is a handful of men who this formula doesn't apply to. But I'd say it's 90% accurate. I once overheard two Russian women talking: "Be sure you look at men's shoes. The bigger the shoes are, the bigger a penis they have."
Does a big penis make sex better?
Vaginas stretch and shrink depending on the size of penis that's inserted into them. If a large penis enters, the vagina will widen, and if a small penis enters, it will shrink to the proper size. It seems like there isn't much reason to really worry about penis size...but who wouldn't want a bigger penis? At least compared to a small one.
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【2014/09/30 01:35】
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Author:Sex Essentials
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